
Ving Tsun Kung Fu

Ving Tsun (wing chun) Kung Fu is an ancient Chinese martial art designed in times of war to be a powerful system for combat training. At the Richmond Moy Yat Kung Fu Academy, we practice and teach the Ving Tsun system exclusively, for good health and effective self-defense.

  • Ving Tsun Kung Fu from the Yip Man (Ip Man) Lineage - Complete System

  • Traditional study for fitness and self-defense

  • No experience needed.



Optimization of both movement and training time so that Ving Tsun fighting skill can be realized quickly.



Train the body and mind, to maintain composure deeply, even while facing attacks.



Intent and action focused on the shortest path to your opponent.

Sign up for a Kung Fu intro lesson now

 406 E. Main St, Richmond, VA 23219


email or call with questions: 804-497-7555

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