Video Release: Kung Fu Masters - Teaching Ving Tsun Secrets

Featuring never before seen footage such as the Ving Tsun Indoor Ground Jong, The Six Tenets of Ving Tsun, and Ving Tsun history. Also covered are fighting concepts, techniques and exercises to improve your combat abilities.

These discs are a wealth of information that will help Martial Artists of every stripe gain insight into the Ving Tsun Kung Fu system as taught by Grandmaster Moy Yat. Featuring many senior members of the Moy Yat family such as Nelson Chan, Lester Lau, Lee Moy Shan, Moy Yee Hop (Julian), William Moy and more. Available as DVDs or download.

For more information or to buy now, visit


Sifu Daniel Xuan review of the 30th anniversary seminar - 6 hour video set available now


'Develop the science within you' - Moy Tung Interview - Aug 2018 Wing Chun Illustrated